May 3, 2024

Insider Release

We Believe In Information

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Suspected Use Of White Phosphorus In Tigray – Ethiopia

There are reports of suspected use of white phosphorus as a weapon in the conflict in Ethiopia's Tigray region, causing concern among human rights groups.

There is a strong suspicion of the use of white phosphorus in Tigray conflict, Ethiopia.

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Credit: Pablo Stanic

The telegraph has communicated a very worrying piece of information in the last days since local sources claimed that several victims in central Tigray presented concerning wounds, particular kinds of wounds that suggest the use of chemical weapons.

Images and testimonials clarify a dramatic reality taking place in the last weeks of the conflict, experts claim that these horrifying wounds would be the result of the use of white phosphorus in Tigray conflict.

The UN condemns the use of these chemical weapons since they are a violation of several aspect of international law such as the joint Declaration on the Complete Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (New Delhi, 1992).

Local sources are difficult to evaluate since some of the footage you will see in the current weeks seem to be referring to attacks regarding at least last month. Censorship on the topic is at the highest stage now ant the truth is very difficult to obtain. It is only thanks to the dedicated attention by THE TELEGRAPH that this story is gradually coming to light.

The Ethiopian government denies the use of white phosphorus in Tigray conflict, releasing this statement dated may the 23rd.



A focus on white phosphorus:

What is white phosphorus? Why it cannot be a weapon?

The research of Human Rights Watch (HRW) is entitled: “They burn everything. the human cost of incendiary weapons and the limits of international law”. It is the report of Human Rights Watch published in collaboration with the International Human Rights Clinic of Harward Law School. The document deals with the dramatic issue of chemical and incendiary weapons, physical, psychological and economic damage suffered by the victims, and calls for the revision of the international treaties governing their use.

The indelible marks on the body: Incendiary weapons function with a chemical reaction of highly flammable substances and generate large amounts of heat and fire. In the human body, they cause deep burns, damage to internal organs, as well as respiratory damage, infections, and shock. And these are just the short-term effects. In the long term, we are talking about motor disability, psychological trauma, social exclusion, and very painful medical care. “These weapons are capable of burning everything, they pass through metal. Imagine what I can do to a human body,” says Dr. Rola Hallam, active in Syria.

The psychological effects of incendiary weapons. Not only the body but also the mind of the victims suffer indelible damage. The most common disorders include anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, loneliness, and social exclusion. “The anxiety of having to undergo painful treatment, for years, without fully regaining physical shape, wears out the mental health of patients,” explains Dr. Stephanie Nitzschke, a surgeon at the women’s hospital in Brigham.

For now, the use of such incendiary weapons in Tigray is only alleged. The UN has urgently asked for a deep inquiry regarding the dramatic event.

Will the truth come to light?

Andrea Silvestri

for Insider Release

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