Technological Obsolescence: Günther Anders’ Timeless Critique

In a world where technology increasingly intertwines with every facet of our lives, Günther Anders’ seminal work, “The Obsolescence of Man,” feels more like a message from a time traveler than a mid-20th-century critique. Born in the heart of Germany in 1902 and witnessing the century’s technological revolutions before passing away in 1992, Anders was no ordinary philosopher. His keen observations on society’s dance with technology offer a mirror to today’s digital age, reflecting concerns that are, astonishingly, even more pertinent now than when first penned in 1956.

Abstract depiction of a human at a crossroads between a technologically advanced city and a natural landscape, symbolizing the dilemma of technological progress versus human values, inspired by Günther Anders' 'The Obsolescence of Man.

Anders was a thinker who dared to question where humanity was heading in its unbridled embrace of technological advancements. His concept of the “philosophy of discrepancy” is a deep dive into the chasm that exists between what technology enables us to do and our capacity to comprehend, let alone control, these advancements. This gap, he argued, is not just a matter of intellectual pursuit but a ticking time bomb, illustrated starkly by the nuclear arms race of his time, symbolizing the ultimate risk of human self-destruction.

His analysis didn’t stop at technological capabilities; it extended to the societal frameworks that foster our reliance on technology. Anders was particularly critical of how education, media, and the entertainment industry contribute to a societal conditioning process. This process, according to him, dilutes the critical thinking and revolutionary zeal of individuals, turning them into what he termed “mass man”—a being more concerned with fitting into the system than questioning it. This mass man, easily swayed and manipulated, represents the antithesis of what Anders believed humanity should aspire to be: beings of critical reflection and intellectual independence.

But Anders wasn’t just a critic; he was also a participant in the discourse on human responsibility and ethics in the age of technological advancement, actively engaging in political movements, notably the anti-nuclear campaign. His body of work spans critical essays, philosophical treatises, and correspondence with fellow intellectuals, showcasing a life dedicated to wrestling with the moral dilemmas of his time.

Bridging the Gap: Technology, Discrepancy, and the Mass Man

“The Obsolescence of Man” stands not just as a critique but as a call to action. It urges us to reclaim our autonomy, to critically engage with the technological tools that shape our lives, and to ponder deeply on the kind of future we wish to forge. In an era where algorithms dictate our preferences and digital footprints define our identity, Anders’ warning against becoming obsolete in the face of our own creations has never been more relevant.

This book is more than a philosophical text; it’s a roadmap for navigating the complexities of modern life, a guide for those who yearn to understand the intricacies of the human-technology relationship. Anders challenges us to look beyond the surface, to question the status quo, and to imagine a future where technology serves humanity, not the other way around. “The Obsolescence of Man” is an essential read for anyone seeking to grasp the profound implications of our technological entanglements and to explore pathways towards a future where humans remain at the heart of the narrative.


Q. How does Günther Anders’ idea of “obsolescence of man” due to technology address the impact of tech on human society and labor?
R. Günther Anders, a German thinker, warned about technology making humans less relevant. He linked tech’s growth to losing our human touch and even our jobs to machines. His thoughts, tied to the Frankfurt School’s critical views on tech’s downside, still spark debates on how tech reshapes work and society today.

Q. What is the main argument of günther anders’ “the obsolescence of man”?

R. Günther Anders’ “The Obsolescence of Man” argues that technology might make humans obsolete. He points out how tech, especially nuclear weapons and mass media, distances us from our actions and their outcomes, leading to dehumanization. Anders introduces “Promethean shame,” the guilt over not controlling or understanding our creations, causing anxiety and a sense of powerlessness. His work critically examines technology’s impact on human life and its future implications.

Q. What is the historical context of “the obsolescence of man”?

R. “The Obsolescence of Man” by Günther Anders emerges from the post-World War II and early Cold War era, a time deeply marked by the horrors of atomic bombings and the fear of nuclear warfare. This period’s events, showcasing technology’s destructive potential, profoundly shaped Anders’ critique on how technology dehumanizes us and could render humans obsolete. Amidst rapid technological progress, industrialization, and the rise of mass media, society experienced alienation and a disconnect from traditional values. Anders’ reflections on technology’s impact on humanity were informed by these dramatic societal shifts, prompting a reevaluation of human roles in a tech-driven world and sparking debates on the future relationship between humans and technology.

Q. What is the reception of “the obsolescence of man” in the academic community?

R. “The Obsolescence of Man” by Günther Anders has received a mixed reception in academia. It’s been influential, especially among scholars interested in critical theory and the Frankfurt School, for its insights on technology’s dehumanizing effects and the risk of human obsolescence. However, critics argue Anders is too pessimistic, overlooking technology’s potential benefits, like improved quality of life and scientific advancement. There’s also debate over Anders’ style, with some saying his philosophical and literary approach makes his work more of an essay than a strict academic text. Despite these critiques, Anders’ book remains a key reference in discussions on technology’s impact on society, the future of work, and the ongoing debate about technology’s role in our lives.


  1. The Faithfulness of Günther Anders to Philosophical Anthropology: This source discusses Gunther Anders’ adherence to philosophical anthropology and his work “The Obsolescence of Man.” It explores how Anders remains faithful to anthropology in the face of technological advancements that could render humans obsolete1.
  2. The Obsolescence of Politics: Rereading Günther Anders’s Critique of Cybernetic Governance: This paper delves into the critical potential of Günther Anders’ work in the digital age, focusing on cybernetization and its impact on politics and society. It highlights Anders’ critique of cybernetic governance and integral power, shedding light on contemporary digital regimes2.
  3. Günther Anders ou la Shoah entre réalité et abstraction: This article examines Gunther Anders’ approaches to the Holocaust in his works, including his exploration of the “obsolescence of man” and its philosophical implications regarding the relationship between humans and technology3.
  4. L’apprendista stregone: sistema mediale e compito morale in Günther Anders: This source discusses how Gunther Anders, in the second volume of “The Obsolescence of Man,” analyzes the technocratic regime of capitalist society and its imperceptible dynamic mechanisms, drawing parallels with the story of the sorcerer’s apprentice4.
  5. Language and Right of Man Become ‘Sorcerer’s Apprentice’ in Postmodernity: This research focuses on a specific aspect of Günther Anders’ thought regarding “The Obsolescence of Evil” and the concept of the “Sorcerer’s Apprentice metamorphosed.” It explores the destruction caused by human actions without control over technological powers, reflecting on legal responses to modern challenges posed by technology and human nature5.

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One thought on “Technological Obsolescence: Günther Anders’ Timeless Critique

  1. Anders’ concerns highlight a pressing issue: as technology advances, it’s crucial to ensure it enhances human welfare rather than diminishing our significance or control.

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